Friday, August 5, 2011

FAQ and free chicken

$570 to go before I'm off to Nepal!!

Sounds fun, Why are you going there?

To help inspirational young women achieve their dreams of becoming educated! (And to see the sights!)

How? Are you a teacher now?

Nope, by building somewhere for them to live near their school, so they don't have to sleep on the floor of a saloon. But I will be sharing any/all of my skills including knitting, how to win at hungry hungry hippos and maybe some electrical stuff.

Why these girls?

These girls work hard every morning and afternoon in order to afford an education, they cook, clean, grow, sell and live apart from their families all to feed their dreams. Dreams of being doctors, teachers, social workers - of BEING EDUCATED and escaping poverty!

Where are you going again?

Nepal! To the Everest region (you may have heard of it, there's a really big hill just North of there.)

When's all this going down?

November - for a month on my way back to Aus.

So what do I do now?

Then smile with joy of making the world a better place!

Then print your receipt for the tax man!!

What do I get out of it?

Apart from happiness, satisfaction at helping others and good Karma, you also get a tax deduction and updates of my adventures while I'm volunteering. This exciting string of emails will include photos, real life stories and possibly a description of the rare wild Nepalese chicken. (Attached is a sneak peek.. )

Anything else I should know?

Spots are still open so feel free to come along too! Also included is a free weight loss program called the "2 vegetarian meals and lots of heavy labour everyday" diet. Similar in some ways to the Atkins diet......

No thanks, but can you bring me back a souvenir?

I'll send you a postcard if you're nice!

I want to find out more, but I don't want to read heaps of text... When's the movie coming out?

It's already out! Check out the website for some videos of the project and the people we're helping:

Thanks guys!

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