Friday, April 20, 2012


Tonight is "cover the night" the global phenomenon to find and capture Joseph Kony marketed by the NGO invisible children. If you haven't heard about it, get out from under our rock and google it.
A few weeks ago the founder of invisible children had a mental breakdown in the midst of the publicity storm. The media was on him like rabid dogs and people were quick to dismiss the whole thing. "How can someone with those problems run this campaign?" The media quickly asked and the world turned their backs.

I strongly disagree

People are just people. No one is perfect.
We need to remember the core message of the campaign, which is about protecting children from becoming child soldiers. That is what this is about, not the founder, not the thousands around the world who have given time and money to this worthy cause, just the children in Africa.

But conversely, if Jason Russell can organise a global campaign with severe mental issues then what the hell is our excuse for not organising one? Arse farming? The least we can do is support this campaign.

At work there are no perfect employees or perfect managers. No one has work as their core purpose in life 100% of the time. Hence no one will be focused on work for the entire working week. I know the people i work with will have outside work issues in their minds that will impact on their productivity, But that is what is important to them. So long as they're trying at work, that's what counts. I'm more than happy to be lenient.
So Stop looking at the flaws and start looking at the capabilities. You won't have a manager who knows everything just as you won't have a skilled worker who can manage everything strategically. Sometimes out of work issues impact massively at work but any good manager will understand that and support you.

This is the same in relationships. You won't ever find the perfect partner, Although often at the start they seem absolutely perfect. :) People are just people. No one is perfect and we should accept them as they are and for the good they try to do.

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