Monday, April 16, 2012

Positive perspectives

I've stopped watching the news or reading the news paper. There is so much negativity in the world and I don't need to hear about mass genocides or terrible accidents first thing in the morning. I am aware of world dramas but I don't need to be reminded of it daily.
The world is a wonderful place. That is my perspective so that is my reality. I surround myself with wonderful people that make me smile everyday. I am grateful of the privileged life I lead and i always try to appreciate the beauty in the world around me.

I am often astounded at how often people are negative about their lives. It's easy to do, we all have problems but imagine what a world we would live in if everybody had a positive attitude everyday? Suicide is the leading cause of death in young Australians. Higher than road accidents. That is a horrendous statistic. In a world where billions have no clean drinking water we are privileged beyond belief - and yet thousands kill themselves. It doesn't make sense. Their perspective needs to be altered.
My mother has a saying, if everyone put their problems in a pile and you had to pick one, you'd pick your own back up. Hmm, starvation or boy dramas? Tough choice. Htfu.

So ke garne? What to do? Your perspective is your reality, hence you can make the world a better place by changing someone else's perspective.
I'd like everyone to take this thought and do three things.
Firstly, think about what your grateful for in your life and post it on Facebook. If it's a person, tell them or tag them.
Secondly, next time you think something positive about someone, tell them. It could be a random stranger with killer shoes or the guy at the takeaway shop that makes your sandwich just right. Share your happiness and appreciation.
Thirdly, this is the easiest, smile and say hi to a random stranger. Ever been having a really bad day and a simple act of a stranger has lifted your mood? You might even make a friend.

Last thought: If every time you said something negative you counteracted it with two positive statements the world would be a better place, not just in your reality but in everyones.

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