Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Head over heels

It's wonderful but not sustainable. We've all been there. The start of a new relationship where all of your time and energy is spent being with or thinking about the other person.
The love bubble.
You somehow survive on a few hours sleep, takeaway and caffeine. Your entire exercise regime is thrown out the window, along with mundain tasks such as housework, grocery shopping and feeding pets. Phone calls don't get returned and my mother ends up filing a missing persons report.

The unsustainable worry if they feel the same way, if they'll call, whether to make preemptive plans for the weekend or where you actually stand with each other eventually works itself out.
Nights out on the town change to nights in on the lounge. Minutes away from them feels like hours and everything pales in comparison.

It's thrilling, stressful and fantastically wonderful but sooner or later life gets in the way and we all return to reality, albeit exhausted.
Finally questions like should I be at that Uni lecture, when was the last time I did any laundry and has anyone seen my dog, all accumulate into a big ball of life stress that eventually needs action.

But right now I'm going to turn my phone on silent and stay in this cosy bubble for as long as possible. Sorry mum.

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