Friday, June 22, 2012

Walking Refugees

There is a famous story of a young boy who was hunted and wanted dead because of his fathers religious choice. Through no fault of his own, he found himself living in hiding with extended family just to stay alive. He wasn't always welcomed in his new town but made the most of it and it became his home planet.

Luke Skywalker was, in a sense, a refugee.

Refugees. There aren't many innocent groups that create such a stark dichotomy of opinion. Unfortunately the predominate one is a dark side that presents itself as hatred. This fear usually comes from ignorance arising from misunderstanding and cultural differences.
As refugees arrive to Australia through all different methods, from sinking boats to qantas, everyone will give an opinion as how to stop the influx. "We're full, get out... Just sink the boat... Go back to your own county."

Where is the compassion? If a heartless, greedy, womanising Schindler can individually provide refuge for hundreds of Jews, with the constant threat of death from nazis hanging over his head then why can't Australia? I'm not suggesting a hell for leather influx, only an intake equivalent to our size and wealth. Currently we do not provide this.
More importantly I'm asking for every Australian to have compassion for those not lucky enough to be born in Australia, who are hunted due to forces beyond their control and find themselves here in the best county in the world. What would you say if the refugee living next door was Luke Skywalker?
Welcome to Australia!

This Saturday Australia is saying welcome to all refugees and walking together.
Please join us in celebrating the fantastic multicultural country that we are lucky enough to be a part of.

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