Friday, July 8, 2011

Full Moon Party - Koh Phanang

The Koh Phanang Full Moon Party – The biggest beach party in the world. Not only did we go but we did everything there was to do. Body paint, fisherman pants, drinking spirits from a bucket, dancing in a bikini to rave music under the moon on the beach. 100% crossed off the bucket list.
The party itself is along a 1km stretch of beach with bars, clubs, souvenir stalls and drink stands, all pumping out their own music. Among the crowds you can find wholesome activities such as jump rope with the rope on fire, fire dancing, fire limbo and other such fire activities. Everyone is off their face. Almost everyone is a foreigner, apart from the locals who make full advantage of the tourist dollars.
My favourite memory is looking down from the roof of a two storey building at my amazing boyfriend, my superintendent. He was wearing fisherman pants, (having thrown his board shorts in the bushes earlier that night,) covered in body paint, hair sticking out at all angles, with a full beard and drinking vodka out of a pink bucket. He had embraced it 100%. I turned to sit down at the top of the slide, which would return me to the beach. Whoa, this was higher than I thought. I looked at the ring of flames that encircled the slide and wondered if my dress would catch on fire. It was loosely tied around my waist. Oh well, can’t back out now. I pushed myself forwards and shot down the smooth metal with frightening speed. I let out a scream as I went through the ring of fire and landed heavily on the mattress on the sand. Ooof. I was winded and as the alcohol course through my veins I had a vague appreciation that I wasn’t on fire. Someone was screaming to me to get off the mattress before the next person came through. I scrambled to my feet, struggling for breath and making that horrible wheezing noise that you can’t help but make when you’re winded. I wandered through the crowd, clutching my stomach, back towards where Adam was. “Hmmmuuurrrggghhh” was all I could say when I found him. I felt sick. Real sick.
Full moon party, you’re fucking wicked. I don’t remember much else from that night. I’m told that I spent it passed out next to the pass out area (a fenced off area to dump your friends so people don’t stand on their limp bodies,) occasionally throwing up into the sand. It wasn’t until the next day that I realised that I’d broken my rib, although the pain of the hangover was much, much worse.

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