Friday, February 17, 2012

Supersonic planning: Cos the Manager

Apparently I'm very employable. I discovered this recently by looking for work and being inundated with job offers on levels better than I expected to be working at before I turn 30.

When I was 19 I was offered an electrical engineering cadetship while I finished my trade. I met with my mentor and he asked the standard mentor question, "Do you have a plan?"
I answered immediately, "Yes, of course!"
I've always had a plan for every aspect of my life, from my career, finances, writing, education and fitness and corresponding SMART goals to match. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) Sure they aren't concrete and I update them regularly, but I still had a plan.
At 19 my plan was as follows:
- A planner by 23,
- A supervisor by 25,
- A manager by 30.
And then I figured I would either be dead or boring by 30, so who cared.

Well it turns out my time lines were wrong.
I became a planner at 21, had direct reports at 22, hired as a supervisor at 23, a managing consultant at 24 and now at the ripe age of 25, I am a fully fledged Manager. A Project Manager in charge of multimillion dollar electrical installations and a team of people who's combined experience surpasses my age. I'm shocked but Booya!

My good friend said to me "If you always underestimate yourself you'll always be surprised" and I suppose it's true.
Someone I used to know, who wasn't pleased with my promotion said "You're not as good as you think you are" to which my other friend replied, "Nah, she's heaps better!"
When I was surprised that the final contract offer came through, my recruitment officer said "You really didn't believe me, did you?"

I didn't apply for a managers role but I was offered one. My employers obviously saw potential that I didn't yet think was here and my friends can see it as well. With all of the drama in my life recently, it is easy for me to think that I'm not a good horse to bet on, but it's times like this where friends make all the difference. They remind you who you are, that you're the bomb to hang out with, they have your back when someone's up in your face and even push you to go for jobs you didn't dare think you'd be considered for.

To my friends, family and mentors, Thanks, you guys are LEGENDS!

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