Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Throwing lemons at death

Last week my Nanna passed away.
I have discussed death in this blog before but it was always my own. My Nanna was the first person whom I knew well to pass away and the finality of it has hit home.
My memories of her are that of a childs; her warm hugs, her dislike of getting down on the floor to play and our trips to Henny Penny. She was kind, generous, opinionated and always had time for her charities and to knit for anyone and everyone. I have guilt at not seeing her more often and not becoming closer to her when I was an adult, but Ke Garne, hence the shocking finality of death.

As I walked through her house I noticed so many items unopened or unused, waiting for a special occasion that never came or to simply get around to it. We all have these things in our life, some are special table wear, some of which are people, some are life long dreams.

I am the type of person who when life gives me lemons, I pick them up and throw them back. (Or make lemonade, whichever.) So this morning I went for a run. A run that I dedicated to my Nanna. I'm not sure if it was the amazing beaches in front of me, the rising sun to my left, the absurd amounts of Calvin Harris in my ears or the thoughts in my head but I ran further and longer than I had ever before.
I have been considering signing up for a half marathon for sometime as it is on my bucket list. Right now I am fitter than I have been in years but a half marathon is over 21kms. I have never ran that far. This morning I ran a bit over 10kms which is my longest run EVER. But if I keep putting it off will I ever actually do it?

So 5 minutes ago, I signed up for a half marathon in 6 weeks time. Not much time for training but better now then never. It will hurt, it will be one of the hardest things I've ever done physically, I may cry and be a complete mess but better done than left on the 'to do' shelf forever more.

In effect, this is my way of throwing lemons back at death. Elizabeth Kubler Ross would probably tell me I was halfway between anger and bargaining. But to quote Calvin Harris, (poorly I might add,) "I'm fighting for my life" and I just kinda realised it.


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